
Support your Village Hall when you Shop Online

We appreciate that there are numerous demands on everyone’s finances, however this is a request for your help for Ugley Village Hall.  As some of you know the main hall is over 100 years old and therefore requires continual maintenance and repairs.  So far this year we have had to spend in excess £10,000 on various items to keep the hall open and this has severely diminished our reserves.

Please visit https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk and register Ugley Village Hall CIO as your nominated charity and install the app, then use it when doing your online shopping. Many of the mainstream retailers support this scheme such as Tesco’s, Ocado, John Lewis, Sainsbury’s plus companies like Booking.com etc.. Ugley Village Hall will then receive a small amount for every purchase made through the app at no additional cost to you.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Posted in News.